Phase-out delle custodie antideflagranti serie GUB

Disponibili fino ad esaurimento delle scorte di magazzino e non oltre giugno 2021

Available while stocks last and no later than June 2021

With a view of production optimisation and rationalisation of the product catalog, we inform you that the junction boxes of the GUB series are in phase-out from April 2021.

The GUB series junction boxes can be replaced by the CCA series enclosures, equivalent from the explosion protection perspective (gas group IIC) and with the same performance in terms of ambient temperature, temperature classes, markings, etc ...

Comparison of certification data

From the constructive and dimensional point of view also, most of the GUB series enclosures find an equivalent in the CCA series. For dimensions not included in the CCA series, it is possible to opt for the new enclosures of the EJBC series (Gas group IIC).

Most of the models of the GUB series and of the CCA series are also equivalent in terms of the number of terminals that can be installed, while the greater versatility of the CCA series enclosures allow to satisfy the different wiring needs within a system, thanks to a number of entries higher than those allowed on the GUB series enclosures. 

The reduction of catalog codes will allow customers to choose, easily and quickly, the product that best meets their needs and Cortem to offer technologically advanced products more quickly, improving customer service.

The GUB series junction boxes will be available while stocks last and no later than June 2021.

Date de publication: 09/04/2021

Sujet: Products